Campus Delivery Codes

A Campus Delivery Code Is Required For All Incoming Mail & Packages
All organizations (departments) on campus are assigned a four digit Campus Delivery Code when their organization (department) is created. This code should be included in the address that you give your vendor/sender/shipper to ensure proper and quick delivery of your mail and packages.
It is important to keep your Campus Delivery Code updated in OracleHR to ensure proper delivery of campus addressed mailpieces/shipments, and to update directory information in case we need to find you.
Formatting Your Address
Proper Address Formatting
Your Name
Department Name
Colorado State University
200 W. Lake Street
XXXX Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-XXXX
Addressing your inbound CSU mail properly streamlines the processing of your mail and packages to your Campus Delivery Code location. A proper address includes your Name, Department, Campus Delivery Number, our Campus Main Physical Address (200. W. Lake Street) and the City, State, and full Zip Code including your Campus Delivery Number in the +4 section.
200 W. Lake Street is the master address for the entire campus. Please do not replace this with your building specific address (such as 101 Glover, or 555 S. Howes).
All mail is delivered by Campus Delivery Code, not by your building location. Update your campus delivery code to ensure proper mail delivery.
Special Note:
Campus Delivery Code is not your Kuali Organization (Department) Number or Facilities Building Number
Find Your Campus Delivery Code
Campus Delivery Codes
Department | Campus Delivery Code |
Chancellor's Office / Board of Governors / University System | 0004 |
General Counsel | 0006 |
Internal Auditing | 0019 |
Office of the President | 0100 |
Athletics / CSU Rams | 0120 |
Football Operations / Stadium Management | 0125 |
Office of Inclusive Excellence | 0135 |
Office of Equal Opportunity | 0160 |
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Center | 0912 |
Research Innovation Center (RIC) | 0922 |
Provost and Executive Vice President | 1001 |
Office of the Provost | 1001 |
Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness | 1004 |
Colorado State University Graduate School | 1005 |
Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate | 1005 |
Division of Information Technology | 1018 |
Vice President for Information Technology | 1018 |
Libraries | 1019 |
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE) | 1021 |
International Programs | 1024 |
Honors Program | 1025 |
Collaborative for Student Achievement | 1032 |
Colorado Water Center | 1033 |
School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES) | 1036 |
Centers for Engagement | 1036 |
Programs for Learning Academic and Community English (PLACE) | 1037 |
CSU Online | 1040 |
Vice President for Engagement & Extension | 1050 |
The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) | 1052 |
Division of Enrollment and Access | 1060 |
Admissions | 1062 |
Registrar | 1063 |
Office of Financial Aid | 1065 |
Energy Institute | 1070 |
Military Science (AROTC) | 1072 |
Office of Budgets | 1080 |
College of Agricultural Sciences | 1101 |
Soil Carbon Solutions Center | 1130 |
Soil and Crop Sciences | 1170 |
Animal Sciences | 1171 |
Agricultural & Resource Economics (DARE) | 1172 |
Horticulture & Landscape Architecture | 1173 |
Colorado Seed Lab | 1174 |
Agricultural Biology | 1177 |
Weed Research Laboratory (Weed Science) | 1179 |
College of Business | 1201 |
Institute of Transportation Management (College of Business) | 1201 |
Accounting (College of Business) | 1271 |
Finance & Real Estate (College of Business) | 1272 |
Management (College of Business) | 1275 |
Computer Information Systems (College of Business) | 1277 |
Marketing (College of Business) | 1278 |
Engineering Technology Services (ETS) | 1301 |
Engineering, Walter Scott, Jr. (SCOE) | 1301 |
Engineering Research Center (ERC) | 1320 |
CSU Drone Center | 1320 |
Chemical & Biological Engineering | 1370 |
Atmospheric Science | 1371 |
Civil & Environmental Engineering | 1372 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | 1373 |
Mechanical Engineering | 1374 |
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) | 1375 |
Biomedical Engineering | 1376 |
Warner College of Natural Resources | 1401 |
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship | 1472 |
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs | 1473 |
Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology | 1474 |
Colorado Natural Heritage Program | 1475 |
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability | 1476 |
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (NRRT) | 1480 |
Geosciences (Earth Resources) | 1482 |
Colorado Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit | 1484 |
Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML) | 1490 |
Natural Resource Ecology Lab (NREL) | 1499 |
College of Health and Human Sciences | 1501 |
Institute for the Built Environment | 1501 |
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs | 1502 |
Human Development & Family Studies (HDFS) | 1570 |
Food Science & Human Nutrition (FSHN) | 1571 |
Occupational Therapy | 1573 |
Design and Merchandising | 1574 |
Health and Exercise Science | 1582 |
Construction Management | 1584 |
School of Social Work | 1586 |
School of Education (SOE) | 1588 |
Nancy Richardson Design Center | 1595 |
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS) | 1601 |
CVMBS Financial & Strategic Services | 1602 |
Psychological Services Center | 1612 |
School of Materials Science & Engineering (SMSE) | 1616 |
Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy) | 1617 |
Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences (MRB) | 1618 |
Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology (Pathology) | 1619 |
James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hosiptal | 1620 |
C. Wayne McIlwraith Translational Medicine Institute (CWMTMI) | 1621 |
Johnson Family Equine Hospital | 1622 |
Vet Diagnostic Laboratories | 1644 |
Temple Grandin Equine Center | 1669 |
Clinical Sciences | 1678 |
Equine Teaching & Research Center (ETRC) | 1679 |
Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) | 1680 |
Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences (Environmental Health) | 1681 |
Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology (Microbiology ) | 1682 |
Animal Reproduction & Biotechnology Laboratory (ARBL) | 1683 |
Center for Vector-borne Infectious Diseases (CVID) | 1685 |
Infectious Disease Annex (IDA) | 1690 |
Global Research Impact Team (GRIT) | 1691 |
Arthropod-borne and Infectious Diseases Laboratory (AIDL) | 1692 |
Equine Reproduction Laboratory (ERL) | 1693 |
College of Liberal Arts | 1701 |
Art and Art History | 1770 |
Economics | 1771 |
English | 1773 |
Languages, Literature and Cultures | 1774 |
Public Lands History Center | 1775 |
History | 1776 |
University Center for the Arts | 1778 |
Music, Theatre and Dance | 1778 |
Philosophy | 1781 |
Political Science | 1782 |
Communication Studies | 1783 |
Sociology | 1784 |
Journalism & Media Communication | 1785 |
Anthropology and Geography | 1787 |
Ethnic Studies | 1790 |
Center for Women's Studies and Gender Research | 1790 |
College of Natural Sciences | 1801 |
CNS Education and Outreach Center | 1802 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1870 |
Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRISS) | 1871 |
Chemistry | 1872 |
Computer Science | 1873 |
Mathematics | 1874 |
Physics | 1875 |
Psychology | 1876 |
Statistics | 1877 |
Biology | 1878 |
Tri-Ethnic Center | 1879 |
Vice President for Research | 2001 |
Sponsored Programs | 2002 |
Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) | 2007 |
Research Services | 2010 |
Research Integrity & Compliance Review Office (RICRO) | 2011 |
One Health Institute | 2016 |
Analytical Resources Core | 2021 |
Infectious Disease Research Center (IDRC) | 2025 |
Support and Safety Assessment | 2026 |
Agricultural Experiment Station | 3001 |
Plant Growth Facility | 3030 |
Extension (Cooperative Extension) and 4-H | 4040 |
University Resource Center | 4061 |
Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control | 5060 |
Colorado State Forest Service | 5060 |
Division of University Operations | 6001 |
Vice President for University Operations | 6001 |
Vice President for Safety and Risk Services | 6001 |
Risk Management and Insurance | 6002 |
Business and Financial Services (BFS) | 6003 |
Accounts Payable (BFS) | 6003 |
Human Resource Services (HR) | 6004 |
Talent Development | 6006 |
Office of the Ombuds | 8026 |
CSU STRATA | 6009 |
Procurement Services (Purchasing) | 6010 |
The Spoke | 6011 |
Surplus Property | 6011 |
Shipping & Receiving | 6011 |
Mail Services | 6011 |
Central Receiving | 6011 |
Mail Production | 6011 |
Parking & Transportation Services | 6012 |
Emergency Management | 6012 |
Cashier's Office (BFS) | 6015 |
Environmental Health Services | 6021 |
CSU Police | 6023 |
Accounts Receivable Operations (BFS) | 6024 |
University Marketing & Communications | 6025 |
University Web Management | 6025 |
Marketing & Brand Management | 6025 |
Systems Engineering | 6029 |
Facilities Management | 6030 |
Transportation Services and Motorpool | 6031 |
CSU TV and Photography | 7022 |
Alumni Association | 7114 |
University Advancement | 7115 |
Vice President for Advancement | 7117 |
Student Disability Center | 8002 |
Student Legal Services | 8003 |
Vice President for Student Affairs | 8004 |
Division of Student Affairs | 8004 |
The Career Center | 8008 |
Health Network Counseling | 8010 |
Orientation and Transition Programs | 8011 |
Off-Campus Life | 8012 |
Native American Cultural Center (NACC) | 8013 |
Student Resolution Center | 8015 |
Black/African American Cultural Center | 8016 |
El Centro | 8017 |
Asian/Pacific American Cultural Center | 8018 |
Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging | 8021 |
Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center | 8022 |
Campus Recreation | 8027 |
Pride Resource Center | 8028 |
LSC Dining Services | 8030 |
Health Network Medical | 8031 |
University Housing | 8032 |
Rocky Mountain Collegian | 8033 |
Lory Student Center | 8033 |
KCSU-FM Radio | 8033 |
Fraternity and Soroity Life | 8033 |
Event Planning Services | 8033 |
Campus Activities Center | 8033 |
The Hub for Student Services | 8033 |
Associated Students of Colorado State University | 8033 |
Colorado State Bookstore | 8035 |
Student Organizations | 8036 |
Conference & Event Services | 8037 |
Rocky Mountain Student Media | 8038 |
Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement (SLICE) | 8040 |
Ram Card | 8041 |
CSU Mountain Campus | 8044 |
Adult Learner and Veteran Services | 8048 |
Student Case Management | 8051 |
Academic Advancement Center | 8100 |
Student Athlete Support Services | 8105 |
SAFE Center | 8110 |
The Access Center | 8200 |
School of Medicine | 8500 |
Colorado State University Foundation | 9100 |
Center for Literary Publishing | 9105 |
Colorado Review | 9105 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
The main mailing and shipping address for Colorado State University is 200 W. Lake Street, Fort Collins, CO 80523-XXXX (Your Campus Delivery Code). Please use this address for all mail and packages sent to CSU. We route all mail and packages by Campus Delivery Code. Using your building’s physical street address may result in delays or mis-delivered mail or packages.
Please make sure to work with your Department’s HR Liaison to update your OracleHR information to reflect your current department and location. Instructions for how to accomplish this in OracleHR can be found here: Update Your Campus Delivery Code.
Please contact our Mail Services or Shipping & Receiving departments for specific information regarding any off-campus building deliveries.
Please reach out to our Mail Services department who will coordinate with our Associate Director for any changes to Campus Delivery Code delivery locations.
Please reach out to our Mail Services department via e-mail to ask your question so that we may address it promptly.